lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

Smothie of mango


  1. Place the mango, milk, ice, yogurt, and honey in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and frothy.

  3. Valeria Mauricio Arturo Eduardo 


In which countries grown the mango is,India,China,Tailand, Pakistan and mexico 
The time the grown of mango is few years
Two countries that export the mango is China and India 
Two countries that import the mango are México and united stades 
The price of mango in México is 13$ 
Arthur Valeria Mau Edi

Stawberry smoothie

Vanilla Strawberry Smoothie:

  • About 10 strawberries
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Strawberry or vanilla yogurt
  • 1 1/2 cups of vanilla or strawberry ice-cream
  • Vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • Ice cube
  • Alonso Sebastián Estefy Emiliano


California and Florida are the top two strawberry producing states within the U.S., ... The next highest producing countries are Turkey, Spain, Egypt, Korea, Mexico, ... The majority of all U.S. strawberry imports (fresh, frozen, and prepared or ...

List Notes: Strawberry production is in metric tonnes (m/t) for the year 2013 (latest year for which statistics are available as of June, 2016). This top 5 list may include official, semi-official or estimated data gathered on strawberry production by the Food and Agriculture 

The president of the Association Horticulture and Fruit Producers of Guanajuato, José Aguirre Gallardo, and Virginia Acosta, a member of the Strawberry Product System in Guanajuato, said that strawberry exports between October 2015 and February 2016 had surpassed the prices achieved in the previous years, which barely reached 12 dollars, and had achieved a record price of $23 per 4 kg per box of strawberry; something that, according to Aguirre and Acosta, would boost the growth of the strawberry production chain in Irapuato.

These sweet, juicy berries are treats when right off the plant. Supermarket berries tend to be tart with grainy texture; this is because the natural sugar in the berries begins converting to starch as soon as it is plucked from the plant. It’s definitely worth your while to try planting your own strawberries, and the good news is that they are relatively easy to grow if you have      full sun.
Other major strawberry producing countries are Turkey, Spain,. Egypt, Korea ... Figure 2: Map of Mexican States. Mexican ... Mexico imported strawberries mainly come from the United States. Imports of ...  

Estefy Emiliano Sebastián Alonso

viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

Smoothie de mango

Smoothie de mango Resumen

Se da en Estados Unidos y Arabia, Y lo exportan más en España y Reino Unido, pero hay países que tiene un alto consumo en  India, Pakistán y Filipinas.
También hay 894 platillos con mango, como Ajoblanco de mango con salmón rebozado, cuscus con frutas y hierbas aromáticas, cuscus con mango, crema de mango con gambas, entre otras, esta fruta tiene 250 calorías y el platillo aquí en la Ciudad de México.

Arturo Espejel


En la actualidad Europa es el principal continente productor, con la mitad de la producción mundial de uva. Le sigue Asia. Las zonas que menos uva cultivan son África y Oceanía. La producción de uva, tanto de mesa como la que es para vino, agrupada por continentes es; 

César Arturo Hernández Luna
